What is International Credit Union Day and why do we celebrate this day?
International Credit Union Day (ICUD) is the day when credit unions and other cooperatives all over the world create awareness and celebrate how co-operatives both financial and non-financial improve the lives of their members around the world.
There are approximately 68,882 credit unions in the world, serving over 235 million members in 109 countries.
Credit Unions provide a viable alternative to “for-profit” financial institutions such as Banks for more than 235 million members, in over 109 countries worldwide.
This year’s theme “Find your platinum lining in Credit Unions” celebrates the spirit of the global credit union movement. The day is recognized to reflect upon the credit union movement’s history, promote its achievements, recognize the hard work and share member experiences.
The Antigua and Barbuda Credit Union League has a membership of six (6) credit unions that provide an effective and viable alternative to the “for-profit” financial institutions. They are Community First Co-operative Credit Union Ltd, APUA Co-operative Credit Union, Police Co-operative Credit Union, Seventh Day Adventist Co-operative Credit Union, Christian Credit Union and St. John’s Co-operative Credit Union Ltd. Some of these credit unions cater to the needs of specific groups while others target a wider cross section throughout this twin island state. Seventh Day Adventist, Christian Credit Union and APUA, are known as “closed-bond” credit unions representing church members on the one hand and employees and their families on the other.